Saturday, January 31, 2009

Is he? Or isn't he?

I swear, swear, swear Kohen is sleeping in this video. I have Amber as my witness if you don't believe me. Marc still doesn't. Anyway, our baby is possessed, and he sleeps with his eyes open. He is so funny when he sleeps. The video is kind of long, so you don't have to watch the whole thing. You'll get the main idea in about the first 30 seconds. So the answer to my title question is...HE IS!!


Sarah said...

this is hilarious and the answer is a definite YES he is sleeping! have marc look up REM sleep, this is textbook! i love when newborns do this!

Liza said...

Oh he is just precious. I want to jump in the computer and kiss his lips off!

Our Journey to Beating Epilepsy said...

he's TOTALLY sleeping! i think cole did that a few times...i think it's kinda scary at night when your up by your self! hehehe

Abby said...

I think he is asleep. Its like his little eye lids won't stay shut! He is so sweet!

Lindsey and Jake Palmer said...

OMG he is totally sleeping! haha that is so funny :)

About Me said...

I believe you. Avery did that when she was first born. I would think she was awake, but NOPE, totally asleep.

Shane Ganir said...

He is so adorable!! we need to come and visit-Aaron was saying so too- can't wait to see the babe!! He is So adorable but he looks a little different then the other two!
Call me!
luv ya

Cali said...

Dallas did the same thing! It was so weird.