Tuesday, May 20, 2008

A conversation with a 2 year old

me: Aliyah, do you want peaches or applesauce?
Ali: Um, peaches!
me: Okay, here you go.
Ali: No! Oatmeal.
me: We don't have oatmeal, peaches or applesauce?
Ali: Applesauce.
me: Okay, are you sure, because I'm not going to put it in a bowl if you won't eat it.
Ali: Yah, applesauce.
me: Here you go.
Ali: NOOOOOOOOOO! Peaches mommy. (As she sees me put the peaches away) No applesauce. WAHHHHHHH! (Flood gates open)
me: Aliyah, I'm not going to play a guessing game. When you've decided let me know. Exit stage left.
Third party enters (Kael)
Kael: MMMM, I want some applesauce.
Ali: No Dael!! My applesauce. WAHHHHHH! (Flood gates reopen)
me: What's the problem? Aliyah, Kael can have applesauce. You can't even decide what you want.
me: Do you want applesauce like Kael?
Ali: Yes. And peaches.
me: Okay, you need to get your hands out of your mouth (new habit when she cries, so gross, who knows where her hands have been), stop crying, and be a happy girl.
Ali: K.
She then proceeds to eat all her peaches and applesauce, and in the end asks for more. What a wonderful start to our day.


The Perry's said...

I LLLLLOOOOOOOOVE that story! It's like reading some of our mornings here. Even the hands in the mouth part. I just loved reading that and thinking, "Oh good, it's not just my daughter."And Maeleys new thing is, if she wants oatmeal (the third request) she ONLY wants oatmeal, like, right out of the Quaker container. Don't cook it or add water, just the plain oats with a spoon. Then she's happy. Whatever!

Abby said...

Sounds like my Grace. I finally had to stop making everything and if she didn't eat what she chose then.... she has to wait for the next meal. (It got to the point where I lived in the kitchen and went through food like crazy...) Gotta love little girls.

Christy and Brian said...

That is so true! Got to LOVE GIRLS!!!

Mom and Dad G said...

Yes, and I love all my little girls......and boys. Love Mom

Sara said...

April...I just think you're the bees knees!

KimberlyGanir said...