Monday, February 1, 2010 makes your mommy mad!!

Yes, I was wasting my time on blasted overstock looking for a new rug. Once I realized I had drowned out the noises of my children, I suddenly become aware of a swishing sound. I look to my left, and then to my right. Heaven forbid me to get off my booty! This is what I found. The swishing sound was him rubbing his hands back and forth through the powder (as you can see). And not an ounce in his mouth. I guess we'll never know if it really does make your mouth turn green. We have our hands full people. Even my 6 and 3 year old were appalled at our discovery. "We would never do that mom! Bad Bubba!"


Aim Aug said...

AHH! Did it bleach his clothes? So glad he didn't eat it. Is your wood floor okay? AHHH!

britt said...

lol...but I know I wouldn't be laughing if it was me. how do you clean it up? vacuum?

Our Journey to Beating Epilepsy said...

oh my goodness!!! is so cute!