Monday, March 10, 2008

Product Endorsment

Okay, I am dying...this product is AMAZING!! If a water softener is not in your budget, and you have hard water, I promise water spots can go away. I am a freak about water spots, especially on the shower door. Yuck! Well, I bought this stuff for my dishwasher and decided to give it a try on my shower door. I have used everything known to man and nothing did the job. Just use 1/4 cup of this stuff with 16oz. of water in a spray bottle, and KAZAM! No kidding, they disappear. I need to be in a commercial or something. You definitely need some kind of a scrub brush to agitate the spots, but I swear by it. If you can't get it to work, I will come to your house and do it for you. They also have a website of other uses. It's called lemishine, and I found it at walmart. It's, and you won't be let down. Happy cleaning.


Abby said...

Lol! I can so see you saying this and what your face looks like. Hahaha. I miss you!

Our Journey to Beating Epilepsy said...

my sister SWEARS by lemishine also!!! haven't tried it yet..but i should!

Sarah said...

can't wait to try it! I think you should come over and give me a demo! jk :)