Friday, February 29, 2008

Big time slacker!

So, I don't know about all of you, but I'm annoyed with always seeing this Disneyland trip! I've been super busy, but stay tuned for lots of new posts in the next little bit. For now, I had to blog this picture. I was honored to wake up to this the other morning, and I had to get a picture. My kids are somewhat SPOONING! Border line gross, but kind of cute. Marc is a sucker for getting Aliyah if she cries, and Kael has mastered the art of sneaking into our bed without us knowing. We call him the black ninja, because he manages to walk about 25 feet to our bed in pitch black. I can't even see my hand in front of my face when I walk downstairs at 6 in the morning to go to the gym without turning on lights and waking my family. I can't tell you how many times I've ran into the door or wall! If my 4 year old can do it, why can't I?


KimberlyGanir said...

Um my kids are the same way. We wouldn't know that they were both in the bed with us until we got kicked in the face or the back. WE ended up locking our door and so now Kenyon stands outside the door banging on it going "Mom, it's me Kenyon, let me in, I'm crying! It's me Kenyon!" It's pretty funny, and of course I always give in, I'm just too tired.